

Daniel Wallburg 11/20/17 COM-264-G1 Dr. Xia Podcasting             1. Podcasting fits into organizational communication by attracting an audience through its advertising through the podcast, since podcasting started by bloggers who wanted to get their opinions out. The podcasting is played over the radio so people can listen to it without dealing with advertisements or other radio issues. It is also easier to get in contact with their own audience with the podcast, as those are not interested in the subject can just listen to something else.             2. The speaker says that podcasting extends messaging because it allows the one who is hosting the podcast to spread their opinions and share it, They can go into a description about what they do at their company and what they wish to share for several minutes to hours without any interruptions. The radio and TV only...

Media Analysis#2 Online Journalism

Media has taken over journalism                         If people want to get news faster than all they need to do is check their phones, computers, and all other social media. Getting news by TV or Newspaper is slowly coming to an end, the new media as arrived.             According to a study made by David Squires, journalism has evolved from something that only professional writers can write and produce too something that anyone can create. All they have to do is write about 150 words on Twitter in order to spread the news than those people can spread it too. “Journalism has moved from its organized and old format of newspaper to a new format that anyone can easily create.” (Squires, 2)             The new media can affect how people see certain news like a political election. News...


Daniel Wallburg 11/8/17 Transmedia             1. Transmedia is important for storytelling because they can help expand existing stories that are currently being told, or help explain something that they have not been entirely clear. TV shows can help explain the universe of film, like how the TV show Star Wars the clone wars expanded on the Star Wars universe. Spreading it to other media like TV will also help those who cannot afford to go to things like movies. There are also books which are cheaper and a great way to see the extended universe of the world that the movie, TV show, or other media are a part of.             2. The media can be more beneficial when it comes to distributing their audience because of how they can get access to the information. For example, a young child cannot go see a specific film that is in theaters but cannot go, the parents can get th...

Social Media uses

Daniel Wallburg             1. Business uses social media by marketing tactics such as advertising. They post promotional ads and videos on various sites in order to get attention and view what they have. They have people in the marketing department that constantly updates what they have and show is they have new positions opened. They also use networks through social media sites to show connect with the people that they are partnered with. The people who are looking for a new job can also new the various network functions to see what kind of job that they can get. Social media can connect to everyone. 2.  I am not surprised what the article says when it says social media is not, just a place for personal information. Social media is a lot more than finding information on businesses and other information, since they are people who use the internet and other sites for that specific reason. However, they are people who only ...

YouTube as a Participatory Culture

1. The interaction online become a key part for the YouTube video production community because it allows users to post what they want to talk about, spread news, give their opinions on subjects that is happening right now, or comment about games and movies. The reason why YouTube is so popular is because it appeals to both the old and the new generation. YouTube is able to allow older viewers to view old videos that they will know about. The younger generation can watch videos that they will find entertaining, and they can get jobs on YouTube by posting videos. 2. Seven out of Ten subscribed people to YouTube are teens and young adults says that the site is starting to appeal to that demographic more than the older adults. Young teens to young adults often get YouTube accounts to comment another person’s video or even make one of their own. Research shows that 44% of teens and young adults find more entertainment on YouTube then they do on TV. They go on YouTube for entertainment pu...

Blogging on Politics

Daniel Wallburg On September 26 th 2017 USA Today told a story of how President Trump told the NFL that they should fire players who kneel during the national anthem. Many coaches and players were against this decision as it seems to interfere with their freedom of speech or to express themselves. This got particularly bad after the Cowboys have taken a knee earlier that Sunday. Trump then proceeded to call the players who do this, sons of b*****s.             On the one hand, it makes sense why Trump can be upset, the national anthem is an old American tradition and to refuse to it means that the citizen might be saying that they are not proud to be an American and that it is doomed, with how things are right now. Trump could easily settle the issue if he just talked about why the anthem is important, it is a part of America’s history and that is something that should not be taken away and respected.     ...