Blogging on Politics

Daniel Wallburg
On September 26th 2017 USA Today told a story of how President Trump told the NFL that they should fire players who kneel during the national anthem. Many coaches and players were against this decision as it seems to interfere with their freedom of speech or to express themselves. This got particularly bad after the Cowboys have taken a knee earlier that Sunday. Trump then proceeded to call the players who do this, sons of b*****s.
            On the one hand, it makes sense why Trump can be upset, the national anthem is an old American tradition and to refuse to it means that the citizen might be saying that they are not proud to be an American and that it is doomed, with how things are right now. Trump could easily settle the issue if he just talked about why the anthem is important, it is a part of America’s history and that is something that should not be taken away and respected.
            There is also the fact, that the kneeling was never used to disrespect America, in the first place, the player who started the kneeling Colin Kabbernick, was doing it for equal rights for blacks. People just used it as an excuse to protest the President. That does not make them better than him. Colin might not have wanted things to get of control like this, he just wanted equality.
            There are people though who think that they whole thing as gone too far and people need to stop complaining about what is happening all together. My mother for example told me that she watched a sports event called the presidents cup, which is a golf event that had past presidents playing together. IN that event nobody knelt or did anything that could be called disrespectful to America. They just held their hats over their hearts as they listened to the anthem and went on their game. This is behavior that everyone should follow; they just do what they came to do.

            The backlash has only happened in football and not any other sport, and that is because Trump is signaling them out. Not helping his case, is the fact that he insults the players rather than asking them politely to stop, if he could be mature about the situation maybe so many players will not bend their knees like he wants. The players, however, should not put themselves on Trumps level. Both of them could be mature about this whole matter.

NFL protests


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